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Meet Our
Gardening Team


We would like to introduce to you our new gardening team!


A very warm welcome to Laura our new Head Gardener. Laura is an RHS qualified, very experienced gardener who has come to join us and lead our gardening team. Laura has run her own successful gardening business and brings a multitude of skills and talent with her.

Robin is a young and enthusiastic man who enjoys gardening. Robin is hoping to go into the RAF and is working in the gardening team while he goes through his application process. You will also find Robin working in the tearoom and behind the bar at weddings.

Nikki has come to us from the Pub industry. She is very keen gardener and is currently redeveloping her own garden.

Nikki is currently doing an apprenticeship here at the Walled Garden Baumber and is very hard working and keen to learn. Nikki has had a passion for gardening since she was a child and has always worked in her own garden as well as gardening for family and friends.

There is always a member of the gardening team around the garden for you to ask any garden related questions and there will be a gardener every Sunday on the plant stall to advise on all the plants, trees and shrubs for sale.


From left to right:

Top: Robin, Laura

Bottom: Nikki

Jobs for the garden this month

By the Head Gardener

As the days begin to get lighter for longer the garden is beginning to wake up. Spring bulbs are beginning to emerge and even flower. Spring is in the air.

After a long, dark, cold January we can begin to feel excited for the coming weeks and prepare for the busy times ahead in the garden.

Here at the Walled garden we are busy weeding our beds and mulching them with organic matter ready to feed the new growth of our perennials, shrubs, bulbs and trees. Making sure all of our bulbs are uncovered by cutting back any dead foliage or plants material from around them.

We are also pruning back some of our shrubs, clearing out the dead, diseased and damaged material to keep them healthy and shaping them or thinning them out of necessary.

We are sorting through our seed packets and ensuring we have everything we need to begin seed sowing towards the end of the month.

It’s also a good time for us to install any paths or beds that we may need to put in. You may have seen that our new path from the tea rooms to the wedding venue is being created.

Enjoy the longer day light hours

Happy gardening



The Walled Garden,






Access only from the A158 between Baumber and Wragby

Tel. 01507 578763


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